Hereditary recombination without sexual breeding into the AspergiIlus nidulans

Hereditary recombination without sexual breeding into the AspergiIlus nidulans forty-two. Kafer, E. (1977). Meiotic and you may mitotic recombination inAspergirrus nidulans and its own chromosomal aberrations. Adv. Genet. . fifty. Stalk, C. (1936).Somaticcrossingover and segregationin Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 21 625. 51. Roper, J. A., Roentgen. H. Pritchard (1955).The fresh healing out of mutual affairs regarding mitotic crossing-more than.Character 175639. 52. Pritchard, R.H. (1955). The brand new linear plan of a number of alleles ofAspergillus nidulans. Catyologia 6 (Suppl. 1):1117. 53. Debets, A. J. Meters., K. Swart, C. J. Bos (1990). Genetic data ofAspergiUus niger: Isolation regarding chlorate resistance mutants, their use in mitotic mapping and you can research to have an enthusiastic 7 linkage category. MoL Gen. Genet. 221 With these mutants intricate genetic maps [l-30 had been built of these bacteria, using parasexual studies (get a hold of Section cuatro) as well as comes from genetic crossings (look for Chapter step 3) 453. 54. Kafer, Elizabeth. (1975). Reciprocal translocations and you can translocation disomicsofAspergi1lus in addition to their explore having hereditary mapping. Genes 797. 55. Pontecorvo, Grams., J. A beneficial. Roper, Elizabeth. Forbes (1953). J. Genet. 52198. 56. Lhoas, P. (1967). s niger. Genet. Res. 1045. 57. Kafer, Elizabeth. (1958). An seven chromosome map ofAspergilrus nidulans. Adv.